Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Is obama showing us how unqualified he is as a president by naming old crooks to his cabinet?

I don't care if you are a democ or republican but i hope you care about your country. Americans dump the Bushes for corruption and Now they have obama who is willingly accepting big corrupts in his side. What do you think?

Is obama showing us how unqualified he is as a president by naming old crooks to his cabinet?
I think President Obama has limited resources to pull from therefore one or two may have a little dirt on their hands.But, are still more than qualified to do the job if you look at Bush's cabinet you will find all had dirty fingernails some were downright criminals not to mention many skeletons in their closet,... I support my President and support my country I support the USA .. time to get this country moving and quit back biting
Reply:Michael Graham in the The Boston Herald today writes:

First Tim Geithner. Now Tom Daschle? Who’s Obama’s next cabinet pick - Wesley Snipes? Dianne Wilkerson?

Not to upset the loyal O-Bots out there, but the last guy from Chicago to have this much income tax trouble was Al Capone. And at last report, he still had an outside shot at getting Commerce secretary.

President Obama pledged to change Washington, and he has. Before Obama, tax cheats used to lose jobs.

Conservative academic Victor Davis Hanson calls the choice of Daschle the “Rezkozation” of the Obama administration. Tony Rezko, you may recall, was the bagman who bankrolled part of Obama’s political career. He’s also a felon.

Amazingly enough, therefore, he hasn’t been tapped to serve in the Obama administration. Yet.

Hanson also points out that Daschle is a “threefer”: a tax cheat, a $5 million-dollar lobbyist (Daschle called himself a “strategist”) and a populist hypocrite to boot ...

* * *

Obama knows a tyrant does well to surround himself with the totally corrupt.
Reply:I think President Obama is showing us how his inexperience is hindering him. Number one, every political party is going to have it's share of corrupt and dirty douchebags slurring the party name. I think they will find that the party of the newly anointed messiah is surprisingly turd-like in character. All the crap the libo-commies have spewed into bills and tried to push as legislation is a serious indicator of how messed up their ideology and way of thinking is. To them, criminals deserve a few free passes. If you belong to a democratic elitist group or play the liberal rusty trombone, you get free passes. Second, no one cared about the rest of the Democratic party for the last two years because everyone was touting Obama as the new best thing. I think in their haste to make him the fearless leader, they failed to reshape and clean up their own image. Now that Obama is elected, it's time to get back to work here in real life. Except now the media has to look at real life for a little bit too, albeit skewed with sugar plum dreams of an Obama paradise. Also, Bush is out of the way now, so the media has to focus negative remarks at someone. The Dems kicked butt in the election and they ran a damn good campaign. But now, someone has to pay the piper and play by the rules. Third, Obama was the champion of change and political reform during the campaign. The same ol same ol will hurt him, not help. Clinton ran into the exact same problems in his administration too. He got a second term, but the republicans helped with a run by Bob Dole. Anyway, I think by the end of four years the People will have had about enough of him as they can stand.
Reply:It's almost impossible to find rich or powerful people who have tax issues; one reason is that the tax code is just so complicated and they usually have someone else doing their taxes. Here are just a few of the cheats appointed by REPUBLICAN presidents:


Former White House official Mike Deaver is photographed lobbying while sitting in a limo, and the image becomes Time magazine's cover. Ronald Reagan's pal is slammed for influence peddling and convicted on three counts of perjury for false testimony to Congress and a grand jury.


White House Chief of Staff John Sununu resigns after taking a government limo from Washington to a rare-stamp auction in New York, sending the car and driver back alone and flying back to D.C. on a corporate jet.


FBI Director William Sessions gets fired after the Justice Department accuses him of ethics violations. Topping the list? Letting his wife use official cars for trips to the hairdresser and dressmaker and to go shopping.
Reply:Is this a trick question? I honestly believe he didn't realize that he knew so few 'good' people. I also think he didn't realize how close the scrutiny would be on those he chose. He's been the golden child for 2 years now,someone who could do nothing wrong. Sadly, now he's playing with the big kids who aren't going to sugar coat things.

Is he qualified? No, that was obvious from day one of the campaigns. Does he realize it? No, which is scary.
Reply:Obama got elected on the promise to give all the losers of society money... He is unqualified to be dogcatcher... who do you expect him to appoint?
Reply:I think the corporatocracy bought Bush and they bought Obama too....its becoming clear that no US president is as powerful as they like to think they are, theyre all puppets to the banking elite , the oil corporations, the zionists and the likes of the Carlyle group.
Reply:What did you expect? If the old saying "you are who your friends are" holds true, then looking at his known associates during the race, this should have been a no-brainer. Aside from Willy Ayers, and Rev. Wright, do you remember Tony Rezko? Can you say you are shocked? I'm not. I'm just very disappointed in my fellow americans for being so stupid in electing this guy.
Reply:He's not only showing he's unqualified but that he's just a fast talking politician.

His entire administration is riddled with corruption and radicals.

This is the "Change" America wanted I guess.

I'm afraid that's what we'll all be left with...change.
Reply:Obama did change the way he picks people. He brings in experienced crooks instead of having people become crooks while in office. Change.
Reply:he was a crook to start with ,So naturally he is going to pick his crooked friends
Reply:this is change!please!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Reply:Sure. Much better to name a criminal vice president as your running mate as did Bush with Cheney. Get a life dork!

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