Tuesday, May 5, 2009

What do you think of naming kids after a profession?

Taylor, Hunter, Carter, Mason, Tanner, Roper, Fletcher...

What are some other ones?

What do you think of naming kids after a profession?

I am NOT considering these for names, personally I think it's silly, trendy and just plain weird to name a kid after a last name, nevermind one that doubles as a profession! Just looking for opinions and the general consensus.

What do you think of naming kids after a profession?
Here are some more "profession names" that aren't on your list, but are pretty common (and some are girls names or unisex) and even popular now.

















While I am not a fan of these names, I think that they are increasingly trendy because they are 'rare' as first names, but also sound very familiar (because they are last names.) I actually like them as names when the name used is a family one like the Mother's maiden name, for example.

for those who asked, here are the meanings:

Taylor-- makes clothes

Hunter-- hunts

Carter-- makes crates

Mason--makes stone houses

Tanner-- tans animal hyde to make leather

Roper -- makes rope

Fletcher-- makes arrows

Bailey-- bailiff or sheriff

Cooper-- makes barrels

Baxter-- the baker

Chandler-- makes candles

Dexter-- Dyes cloth

Harper-- plays the harp

Marshall-- takes care of horses/ a military officer

Parker-- takes care of the park

Piper-- plays the bagpipes

Ryder--- messenger on horseback

Sawyer-- carpenter

Spencer-- servant who works in pantry

Tucker-- works with cloth

Tyler-- makes tiles

Weaver-- weaves cloth

Webster-- weaves cloth too
Reply:If it's in good taste why not? We name them after money (Penny) and alcohol ( Brandy) also so why not a profession? I am not too crazy of the name Roper but again up to the parent and what they prefer.

Archer and Forester,Forest or DeForest
Reply:some of those names are decent like Hunter,Mason and Carter, and Taylor. I guess I never even thought of them as professions. I always just thought of them as LAST names that have become acceptable first names.
Reply:I plan on naming my son Paleontologist.
Reply:No, it sounds bad and many would prefer not to have it in their name! Since a huge population still live in poor conditions in the whole of world, the poorly paid profession, however it is fine to express would not match their status for others acceptance!
Reply:i really like Hunter and Mason and Tanner.
Reply:I personally despise each and every one of those names. Plus the fact that even though they are boys names, they sound like names of metrosexual girly men, with the exception of Hunter. Just my opinion, but I prefer everything about a man to be manly, including the name.
Reply:Kinda dumb, maybe mom is a shopaholic or the dad really loves that brand name Sears or Xerox.
Reply:I never noticed that before. One of my friend's name is Mason, and I have a cousin named Taylor. I don't think that all of these names are based on jobs, like Taylor and Carter, but I've never heard of a "Roper" for a name! I'm sure that most people don't even think of it as a "profession"- just a regular name.

By the way, some of those names are not just trendy. "Hunt" used to be a common name, its more trendy counterpart "Hunter," coming into the action.

Old names, like Forrester, Davenport, and Lock, are actually used in upper society elite, since they are very old, sometimes family, names. A lot of the trendy names today are based off of them.
Reply:Let me ask my daughter, Gynecologist.
Reply:I've never been a big fan of naming babies 'after' anything or anyone, especailly relatives. Each human born is an individual and should be named as such. I also don't go for 'over-the-edge' names like Dweezil, Chastity or any other name that will burden a child for life. I do have nephews names Taylor and Hunter, and rather like those names, whether or not they are 'occupations'.
Reply:haha I never really thought of Tanner..as like going tanning...what is Flecther and Mason mean...but i agree..tho i do like all those names except Roper..it may seem a little tacky to some...here are a few others..they arent professions..but are similar

Cane or Kane



Jeht (jet)

Rayce (race)

Carmela...its the same as carmel..why would someone use that


thats all i can think of right now

i wonder if they really thought of the fact that they were proffesions ya know...I never really thought of it
Reply:I see no problem with it. I have a daughter named Penny so.....i also have a sister named Taylor. Poeple don't usualy look at it as a profession when you tell then your name.

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