Tuesday, May 5, 2009

What are your thoughts on naming child after my family?

My grandfather had no sons and this would be his only grandson. He passed away and I would like to use his name for the middle name. My husband's family would be mad about this. They think it should be my husband's name or something. My thought on this is that they already have the last name. The mother 's family should get the middle name at least. My husband doesn't care but I really don't want to make even more waves with his sensitive family.

What are your thoughts on naming child after my family?
f*ck his family, name the boy what you want
Reply:i think you should go with the grandfather's name.
Reply:I think you should honor your grandfather! God bless.

Reply:I think that would be a lovely gesture. Ignore his family, he is ok with it and your family will love it.
Reply:This is your husband's and your decision. It's not up anyone else. Name him what you and your husband think is most appropriate. Also, this probably won't even be your only son! Name this one after your father, the next one after someone in your husband's family. :)
Reply:I think you should name him after your grandfather. He means/meant a lot to you and should be remembered.
Reply:Ok, My family wasn't to hot on either of my two kids names but me and my Husband loved them and in the end it is the parents decision and no one else's. Also both of my boys have family middle names it is a nice gesture and it is a good way of remembering people.
Reply:i like the idea of incorporating family names and a lovely way to remember your grandfather - i also like having the parents name as a middle name - my daughter caitlyn louise - could you not use both names as middle names? its quite common to have 2 middle names - my friends baby is called haiden sean (his dads name) samuel astridge i think it sounds lovely and flows really well- and that way you wont cause any upset to anyone! i know the feeling of not getting a long with inlaws and always having different opinions and such ! drives me mad ! xx
Reply:Maybe write a card to all the family indiviuals. Ask for their written opinion but ask them to explain one reason why not and one reason why for each response.

Promise to consider all the returned opinions. But make no promises to actually do what the majority say. Tell them you will carefully consider all their opinions.

See if they respond. No reason no vote ;]
Reply:I think it's sweet that you wanna name the baby after his grandfather. I say it's your baby, your decision. Your husband doesn't mind and besides you his opinion is the only one that really matters. Best wishes (:
Reply:Oh that's kinda difficult..your child has the last name of ur husband and the middle name of ur grandpa which I think is a really good idea. Why don't u and ur husband think together for a first name? like something special..i.e.my aunt gave her daughter the name Rose Beatrice, because she loves the flower rose and Beatrice was his mother name who passed away long time ago too.

I like people with 2 first names, especially when they have a meaning =)
Reply:In the end, it's you and your husbands decision, not theirs. If it doesn't really matter to him whether the child is a junior, then decide this together. I luckily didn't have to deal with this, my husbands jewish and it's considered bad luck to name a child after a living person. Honoring loved one's that have passed is a great tradition, each of my children have a name passed down from a lost loved family member or friend. Honoring his family can be done in a number of ways, not just one. Maybe consider using one of his passed relatives names, another family surname or simply a name from the ethnic heritage of his family for a first or middle name. They'll move past not having a junior in the family and love the child regardless, you have to do what's right for you and your husband and not worry about how their going to react to your decisions.
Reply:you are right. they have the last name. and your grandfather should be honored! explain to them that it would mean a lot because of your grandfather. good luck be strong!
Reply:They have no business getting upset at what you name YOUR child! They already have had their children and had the chance to name them. I think that is a great idea to have your grand fathers name as the middle name. Its a great way to honor somebody. If that is what you really want don't back down! When they go through labor for him and push him out then they can choose his name! : ) Congrats and good luck.
Reply:I agree with you completely. They already have their last name being passed on, why not let you honor your grandfather by using his name as the middle name. I see no harm in it. If your husbands family does..well they would just have to get over it if it was me. If you don't do what your heart tells you I feel that you will later on regret it. It's YOUR child, name him what you see fit. Good luck and congrats!
Reply:I think that would be nice!! I know a girl who had 2 middle names, maybe you could do your grandfather's name and the husbands name!
Reply:The deal my husband and I made was I got the girl middle name

Elizabeth, after my mom

He got the boys middle name, Allen, it was his, his father, grandfather middle names and his great grandfather first name

It's kind of cool

My mother in law still a bit upset that about my daughter getting my mom's middle name. She does not like my daughter first, not her child

Make a deal with your husband. You husband should deal with his family. This child gets your grandfather name, next child will get one from his family. Your husband can tell his family that, and hopefully tell them that that is what he wants, and not to say anything to you
Reply:i think if you and your husband are ok with the name, you should do it. his family is important but they do not get to make this decision. you have a very valid reason for wanting the name to be what it will be. and yes, his family already "gets" the last name. this is something that only you and your husband can decide on.
Reply:I think you should name the baby after ur grandfather
Reply:Name your baby the way you want.
Reply:It's your child not your in-laws. As long as your husband is in agreement, do it, it would be a nice gesture. If they are upset, too bad, they will get over it! Everyone in my family has a middle name that was a family name, it's a nice tradition.
Reply:Is it an embarrassing name? And even so it doesn't matter, its your kid. They shouldn't have any say over what you name it. When I had my kids, my husband and I kept the names a secret until they were announced to the family. We didn't get any scrutiny over the names and no one was brave enough to tell us our names sucked afterwards. You're going to do what you want anyway, so do it. Good Luck!
Reply:The name of your child is between you and your husband. If you like the name and he doesn't care, go for it. If your "sensitive" family members are creating waves in your family, then I would recommend not involving them so much.

When the child is born, you and your husband agree on a name, file the birth certificate, and then send an announcement out with all the details.
Reply:If you want to honor your grandfather, that is your right. You are the mother and your husband's family has no say whatsoever on the deciding factor of a name. Since your son is going to pass on the last name, adding your grandfather's name incorporates both sets of families. Don't let anyone sway you into naming your child a name you don't agree with. You guys are the parents, you have the right and the authority, no else does. Happy Holidays! (o:
Reply:your child your decision !!!!!!!!

my son has his grandfathers middle name which was his grandfathers last name.

they had no males and that carried it on .when this happened there were waves but oh well for them ,

just wait if you both are different religons thats even more fun , I'm Lutheran he was cathlioc , deal with that , I actually had fun doing it,hes Lutheran.

don't stress out over them

they should be happy for both of you and not so arrogant
Reply:In the end, your husband's family doesn't have a say in it. This is between you and your husband. Personally, I think it's an excellent gesture that will help you remember your grandgather.
Reply:If your husband doesn't mind, don't worry about the in-laws. They'll love their grandson no matter what, I'm sure.
Reply:Maybe you can use your husbands name for the first name, and your grandfathers name for the middle name, you'll probably have other kid so you'll have time to use more of them, It is common in our family to name their kids after the parents,or grandparents, either for first or middle. But my husband thinks totally opposite, he wants our kids to have their own names,so we gotta mix these up. The in-laws wiont care when they see the baby.

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