We have Presidents, Trees, Plants, Towns, Numbers, Letters, etc. Just how much imagination do you think went into naming these streets when the city plans were set down on paper.
How much imagination do you think goes into naming streets?
I know what you mean. When you take a cab in NYC, you can't just say I want to go to 4th Street. You have to know which borough also because there are 4th streets all over the city. Certainly not a lot of imagination there!!!
Reply:I imagine there were a lot of arguments, in fact I will bet on it.
My husbands brother lived way outside of town, not a home in sight.
Years went by and a big subdivision was built around his home.
The county named the street after is last name. He was proud and called to tell us.
Those who encroached upon him called a meeting and wanted their new street named.a more sophisticated name.
My brother-in-law didn't show up to fight about it, he did care, but the encrochers and the county commissioners held 3 meetings and argued within themselves what to call the street and changed the name.
After a few years the street sign changed and it ended up after all being named after my brother-in-law.
Reply:in the new orleans area it would be something to research -- you can start off on hickory drive at the river and it turns in to dock than david before it reaches the lake and airline turns into tulane when going into the city -- most streets have two and some have four names!!!
Reply:Great question! We mountain folk in the South must not have much imagination. lol
Here are some real street names from my area: You can easily figure out their logic:
Newfound Road
Rabbit Creek Road
Bent Creek Road
Old Georgia Road (If you stay on it, you end up in Atlanta.)
Rock Creek Road
However, my son's favorite is not the name of a road. It's the name of a river. It's called the French Broad River. When he was 14, he thought that was hilarious. He said, "French Broad, Mom? hahahaha"
I replied, "Not that kind of broad, son." :)
Reply:we have all the usual ones ,plus aboriginal names ,they are my favourites. i think the community should have input on street name which could be done via local paper / at council chambers.
my all time favourite is "honey pot road" it's in a hilly area , but not tucked away.
Reply:Some weirdo named the streets in our subdivision. Here are a few of the names (notice there is no suffix like "street, lane, avenue, or circle" etc): Papa's Talk; Puppy Chase; Fiddle Creek, Old Blue Point. Weird, huh ?
Reply:Minimal at best. In Cincinnati the street will change name to 3 blocks, then on the other side go back to the original name, just to "recognize" some local politician.
Reply:Beats me, but yesterday I saw Teddy Bear Lane and thought it was adorable. There's a Supreme Court near me and a friend lives on Sparkleberry Terrace. I wish my house was on a fun sounding street name.
Reply:Very little imagination or thought
I have never lived any place that didn't have
A Main Street
How original huh??
Reply:Not much. It seems that every town has a Washington Street, Park Avenue, and 1st Street.
Reply:To be honest I think they just looked at something like a flower and went "aha, buttercup lane it is!"
Reply:in our town Tamworth England just sit on the council,help knacker the town centre up and in time they will name a building or a street after you
Reply:Not much we have a street called north street that runs east and west,
Then we have GEORGE BUSH st. that is a circle drive.
Reply:Probably a little imagination to promote an image for sales.
In my area all of our streets are named for US mountain ranges.
I laugh because they misspelled my street's name.
Reply:None, they probably let computers pick them out.
Reply:they use last names in my town
Reply:Sounds like a diverse group of people who probably did a bit of bickering! lol!
In my home town all the E-W streets are names from the Bible and go in Alphabetical order from east to west.
All the N-S streets are numbers started with 1 in the east and going up as one goes west!! NOW THAT IS PLANNING!! LOL!
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