Sunday, November 15, 2009

How come a lot of couples are naming their baby boys Perineum?

It just seems like a strange name to me.

How come a lot of couples are naming their baby boys Perineum?
I've never heard of anyone besides you using something as disgusting as that. Stop doing crack and think of some normal names. The names you are coming up with are extremely wrong...
Reply:I've never heard of anyone using that name.....

I've also heard of Propecia as a name!!

Seriously, not to offend, but I've heard some "people" don't want to give their child "white" sounding names, so they make up names or use names like Perineum and don't even know the meaning. How dumb is that? Perhaps an education prior to a baby would be a good idea.
Reply:why do you constantly ask stupid question about names? find another hobby
Reply:Only people like you would.
Reply:I think Grundle or Taint is a better name.
Reply:Well it was actually me who originally called my son Perineum (he is now 24) and everyone copied it from me.

When i named him it was a really unusual name but now everyone who is anyone is naming their kid that!! It annoys me because i thought of it first.
Reply:you're right! that is a very strange name! why would anyone want to name their son after the part of the human body between the genitals and the anus!?!?
Reply:are they? they need sterilising
Reply:So, Spachula, LeProsy, and Terdelle are normal?

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