Sunday, November 15, 2009

Would you avoid certain names if you were naming your child?

What is your position about changing or avoiding names. Why do you think immigrants, hollywood stars or singers, politicians change their names? Explain me what are your thoughts and concerns about this issue.

Would you avoid certain names if you were naming your child?
I avoided common names when I named my son.

please answer my question

Reply:I did avoid certain names when deciding on names for my baby. If I knew someone and did not like way was I naming my child that! Any names close in my family I would avoid, unless i wanted to name my child after them i would avoid. I also avoided overused names. I liked Ava a lot but when I saw it was number one name in 2007 i changed my mind.
Reply:we totally avoid certain names when we are trying to decide. i refuse to use the modern, made-up sounding names, as well as trendy names. if i hear mackenzie or maddison one more time i might scream! yuck! my husband refuses to use names that he has a bad association if he knew a jerk named mark, we can't use it!
Reply:i would never ever name my kid after a celebrity, or name them something stupid and meaningless like some of them (ie Apple, coco) personally i name mine names with religious significance, because thats what matters to me.

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