Please explain it in detail- - what it is and why, how and when it is done. Also, is this ritual only for Catholic Christians or do other denominations practice it as well? Is it optional or mandatory to do this?
What is the purpose of the "confirmation" naming ritual?
One doesn't have to take on a new name at the Sacrament of Confirmation, but it is traditional to do so. In essence by picking a Saint, you select one who has meaning to you. Someone you'd like to pattern your life after in seeking a deeper relationship with Jesus Christ. There are different "patron saints" for different professions and types of persons so you pick one you feel you can best relate to.
I hope this helps!
Reply:Confirmation is the rite of full membership of the church by the gift of the holy spirit given through the laying on of hands. Most churches that baptise infants do this as they need a rite through which people can positively join by their own choice can show that choice. The rite itself is very simple in protestant churches - the candidate is asked some questions about their faith, they kneel before the bishop or minister, the bishop lays his hand on their head and prays for god to confirm them with the gift of the holy spirit. And that's it. I'm sure catholics add a bit more, but those are the essentials.
Only catholics necessarily take on a new name at confirmation. I assume it symbolises the new birth as a new person with a new name. In England, anglicans can do that if they wish and the C of E being the state church, that becomes a new extra name for legal purposes as well. The funny thing is, quite a few Satanists like to take on a new name as a sign of their new faith as well...!!
Reply:Confirmation is when a person is made a full member of teh Catholic Church. The person receives a fuller measure of the gifts of the Holy Spirit to enable the person to be a witness for Christ. it is analogous to the Disciples receiving the Holy Spirit at Pentacost.
The taking of a confirmation name is not required, but can be done. This custom finds it's origin in the tradition of God giving people a new name when they were given a commission:
Abram became Abraham
Simon became Peter
Saul became Paul.
In Confirmation a person is given the commission to be a witness for Christ and this is symbolized by taking on a new name.
Reply:The confirmation naming ritual serves the specific purpose -- to lead a like exemplified by that specific saint.
So if you pick St. Bernadette, you might want to live your life humbly, honestly, and without complaint -- even when you suffer.
If you pick St. Francis of Assisi you might love animals, and will spend your life helping them.
If you pick St. Augustine you might have a love of life and enjoy parties, and enjoy philosophy and debate. You will want to learn more of your faith and defend it.
It does have a two-fold BENEFIT:
1) The person choosing a Saint Name plans to live their life in honor of the Saint.
2) The person learns more about the faith, saints, and Sacred Tradition while preparing for confirmation. Actually taking the time to learn and research the faith and the saints is good to do before you are confirmed.
Orthodox churches do this as well.
Reply:READ your BIBLE. It says test the spirits to see if they be of God or Not. It also says Search the Scriptures for in them you think you have salvation. It also says in the last Days there would be false profits- in so much -if it were possible -they would fool even the elect. READ READ READ-- confirmation naming ritual--- who cares -not one of Jesus wases to get to Heaven. Find out how to get to Heaven and you well have found him. Good Luck there is only 1 way and Jesus is it.
Reply:Here is a link with all your answers.
Reply:Its was started by man it has no biblical origin, it was started by the catholic church for what ? I have no idea.
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