Saturday, April 24, 2010

If you are naming a chemical in a sentence, do you use capitals?

For example:

I am going to titrate Hydrochloric acid with....

I am going to titrate Hydrochloric Acid with....

I am going to titrate hydrochloric acid with....

Which one?

If you are naming a chemical in a sentence, do you use capitals?
It is not essential that capitals are used in naming a chemical in a sentence.
Reply:You would not use capital letters. In this case hydrochloric acid is a common noun as it does not describe a specific (one-off item). Other examples are 'water', 'sand', 'table' etc.
Reply:yes, you usually do. the second one is the most correct, although it is quite common to find n掳1 and n掳3 as well..
Reply:You only capitalise a chemical name if it happens to start a sentence. Otherwise...NO
Reply:Number looks right , the capital being used on a proper name , the acid being small , as it is an noun
Reply:It doesn't really matter which but, your 1st choice will be the more proper and correct English.

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